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Follow the Yangtze River as it winds inland from Shanghai and after 300km you’ll arrive in Nanjing, a city bursting with monuments and landmarks, tree-lined avenues, museums, cafés and early 20th century Republican era architecture. 

When arriving in a new city, it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed — there’s so much to see, so many local delicacies to sample, and so many places to get lost — even more so when you’re hoping to impress a client. Knowing your towers from your temples and where to enjoy a traditional tea ceremony could make all the difference. We have years of experience helping business travellers in China, so here are some of our favourite places to impress new associates in Nanjing.


City Sights


Yuejiang Tower:

Sitting on the crest of Lion Mountain, in northwest Nanjing, the seven-storey Yuejiang Tower is known as one of the ‘Four Major Famous Buildings’ south of the Yangtze. Yuejiang roughly translates to ‘enjoying the river’ — a fitting description, we’re sure you’ll agree, once you’ve climbed the tower and taken in the views.


Purple Mountain:

Travel to Purple Mountain in eastern Nanjing City, at dawn or dusk to see the 448-metre peak piercing a sky of purple and gold clouds. Explore its ridges and valleys to discover mountain lakes, temples, springs and forests. There are around 200 heritage and scenic tourist sites on and around the mountain, including the Purple Mountain Observatory; China’s cradle of modern astronomy.

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Tea Ceremonies


Lao Cui:

The preparation of tea is something of an art in Chinese culture, and Lao Cui – one of Nanjing’s best-loved teahouses – takes this art to new heights. Decorated with an open speakeasy aesthetic, there’s plenty of room to practice your tea-appreciation around low wooden tables, in comfortable Chinese horseshoe chairs.


Tao Hua Yan:

A more modern choice is Tao Hua Yan, encased in marble and glass, with a traditional bamboo interior and stunning views over a young forest. Enjoy a relaxed tea ceremony on the spacious ox-bow tables, warmed by the natural light that falls through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

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Long ago the lower Yangtze region was known as the ‘land of fish and rice’. Today its cuisine is so much more than those two ingredients, offering dishes from delicious Han Fuxing salted duck to Jiang Youji potstickers


Lu Chao:

On the 40th floor of Jumeriah Nanjing you’ll discover the elegant Art Deco interiors of our signature restaurant, Lu Chao. Expect the very best in modern Chinese cooking — evocative flavours and seasonal Cantonese recipes, from steaming homemade dim sum to soft wagyu beef, prepared and refined by local chefs, under the guidance of our revered executive chef, Yeoh Chin Foong.

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Lu Liu Ju:

For the best vegetarian cuisine, try Lu Liu Ju (Green Willows) – named after its former location on Qinhuai waterfront, where it was shaded by the swooning leaves of the neighbouring willow trees. Lu Liu Ju has since moved opposite Nanjing’s Presidential Hall, close to the bustle of the Hanfu Food Square, where it attracts locals and tourists with its famous wontons and silky tofu.

Stay at the Jumeirah Nanjing to enjoy easy access to our client-friendly activities.