Flowrider Exclusive
Now you can book the Flowrider to surf as you please
Now you can book the Flowrider to surf as you please
Now you can book the Flowrider to surf as you please
Book the Wipeout or Riptide Flowriders exclusive use surfing experiences.
For safety information on these attractions, please click here.
Wipeout single pump
Minimum two-hour rental – AED 1,799
Extra hour – AED 835
Minimum two-hour rental – AED 1,499
Extra hour – AED 730
Additional Guest
Flowrider extra guest AED- 200
Wipeout single pump
One-hour rental – AED 945
Extra hour – AED 735
Two-hour rental – AED 1,365
One-hour rental – AED 840
Extra hour – AED 630
Two-hour rental – AED 1,260
Additional Guest
Flowrider extra guest AED- 200
*All the above rates of Flowrider exclusive booking use include 8 bottles of water and 8 rental towels.
Tel: +971 4 348 4444
Email: wwinfo@jumeirah.com