Luxury Cabana

Laze the day away in a Luxury Cabana steps away from the Arabian Gulf, with a mini bar, mixed nuts and crisps, and bespoke amenities.

Flexible cancellation available.

Valid until 20 December 2024.

Offer benefits

  • Pool menu available 



  • Monday to Thursday: AED 1,200 for up to 2 people, including AED 600 redeemable on food and beverages
  • Friday to Sunday: AED 2,000 for up to 2 people, including AED 600 redeemable on food and beverages
  • Luxury Cabana can accommodate one more person at the additional price of AED 400 each



  • Family freshwater pool: 10:00 - 19:00
  • Adults-only Infinity pool: 10:00 - 19:00

Terms & conditions